Dress Code Basics
Masks/Face Shields
Level 2 Privileges
Level 3 Privileges
ACE Attendance Incentive
Students who attend the after-school program Monday – Thursday will earn free dress pass good for the following Monday. Free dress wristbands will be given out on Thursday at the afterschool program.
Check-In Times
HS 7:00 to 7:30
Int 8:15 to 8:45
Lunch money must be deposited outside before check-in.
Food service account money transfers from campus to campus
Personal Belongings
Students turn in all personal items at check-in. They will be returned at the end of the day.
The following items may be checked in:
Prohibited Items
The following items may NOT be brought to school:
Prohibited items will be confiscated and may be picked up by parents on Mondays between 1 pm and 3 pm.
Students who drive to school must provide their driver’s license and proof of insurance to obtain a parking permit.
The extended emergency closures caused by COVID-19 are unprecedented. There has been extensive discussion and collaboration about how to handle grades during this time of distance learning. We want to minimize the effect of changing instructional platforms and learning from home on a student’s grades and reduce the stress and worry this extended closure might cause students and their parents. However, we want to provide students with opportunities to continue their learning to prepare them for the next grade level. Grading guidelines for this time period are outlined below. Because of the shift in instruction, teachers will contact parents if a student's grades are below 70. Parents should continue to monitor grades on Skyward or through the Personalized Learning Platform. On April 24 there will be a parent callout to check student grades as a progress report. Student report cards will be distributed at the end of May.
We know that this is a challenging time for parents and students. Please communicate with your teacher if you feel that your child is struggling so that they can provide assistance as needed. Pasadena ISD wants our students to be successful and ready for the next grade level in the fall, including our seniors who are ready to launch into college and careers. Thank you for partnering with us during this challenging time.
PK through Grade 2
The student’s final report card will reflect the student’s level of mastery of skills assessed on the 3rd Nine Weeks report card unless the student has demonstrated progress in assessed skills during the 4th Nine Weeks. Students will be assessed based on participation in distance learning. Our standards-based rubrics will be used to determine student performance based on the learning opportunities available in our new context. Teachers will use student work collected during distance learning to help determine if promotion criteria have been met.
Grades 3 through 4
Students will be assessed during the 4th Nine Week grading period through work submitted during distance learning. A student’s final averages for the year will be based on the averages of the first three grading periods (August 19, 2019 - March 6, 2020). In the case where a student’s work during distance learning demonstrates greater proficiency with grade level content, the final yearly average will be raised to reflect this new learning. Yearly averages will not be lowered for any student who struggles during distance learning.
Grades 5 through 6
Second-semester grades will be calculated by averaging the 3rd and 4th nine weeks grades. Those nine weeks' grades will be calculated as follows:
Grades 7 through 12
Second semester grades will be calculated by averaging the 4th, 5th, and 6th six-weeks grades. Those six-weeks grades will be calculated as follows:
The 4th six-week grade will remain as was posted in Skyward during the traditional school setting.
With the difficult and unprecedented transition to distance learning for all students, the grades assigned for the 5th six-weeks grading cycle will be the higher of:
The 6th six-week grade will be calculated based on the student’s learning demonstrated in the virtual learning platform and all other assignments assessed.
GPAs will not be impacted by the 2020 second semester due to the school closure.
Personalized Learning (Grades 4-11)
Currently, students in personalized learning courses are graded on a mastery-based system using a combination of rubrics and assessments. Students’ year-end averages are a representation of their performance on Cognitive Skills or Concepts and Focus Areas. At the end of the year, just as in other years, the teachers will use the numeric final percentage grade indicated in the Platform to report the students final grade.
For English Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, and Spanish courses the final grade is calculated based on the students’ performance on Cognitive Skills (demonstrated through Projects) and Focus Areas. For Math courses, the final grade is calculated based on the students’ performance on Concepts (demonstrated on End-of-Unit Assessments) and Focus Areas.
A student passes a personalized learning course when:
○All assigned projects and concept units must have been submitted and assigned a grade.
○All Power Focus Area Content Assessments must have been mastered receiving at least an 8/10. For grades 9-12 in College Board Approved Advanced Placement ® courses content assessments must have been mastered receiving at least a 7/10.